
A.3 - The Stability Scope

The Stability Scope governs the management of the USDS Stablecoin. The USDS Stablecoin must be a permissionless and useful currency available to anyone. Its stability and risk must be managed to generate as much value for Sky and public good as possible.
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This Article governs the secure management of Real World Assets (RWA), which serve as collateral for the USDS Stablecoin. RWAs are enforced through legal recourse by Arranged Structures and present unique risks that this Article must address.
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This Section defines procedures related to Arrangers, Ecosystem Actors that assist in the design and operation of Arranged Structures. Every Arranged Structure must have a designated Arranger responsible for conducting ongoing reporting. All aspects of this relationship, including the Arranger's duties, must be defined in this Section.
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Arrangers must publish monthly reporting on each Arranged Structure they have arranged. Every six (6) months, Arrangers are also required to publish a stress test analysis that demonstrates how the structures would perform under historical financial crisis scenarios and other hypothetical scenarios.The Stability Facilitators must periodically fund independent Ecosystem Actors to review and verify the quality and the results of the stress tests. Should an independent review produce an unfavorable result, the Stability Facilitators must propose a Governance Poll for warning, temporarily deactivating, or permanently offboarding the Arranger and/or the Asset Managers connected to the discovered issue.To be considered compliant, Arrangers’ monthly reports must satisfy the requirements of one of the following documents:
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The following information must be included in the monthly Arranger report. Each item must be reported for at least the start and end date of the reporting period. If these dates fall on days when markets are closed, the first business day after the start date and the last business day before the end date may be used instead.• Cash balance.• Cash income over the reporting period. Any income over $20,000 in value should be broken out as its own line item, and an explanation provided for any non-recurring or non-ordinary expenses.• Cash expenses over the reporting period. Any expense over $20,000 in value should be broken out as its own line item, and an explanation provided for any non-recurring or non-ordinary expenses.• Market value of publicly traded equities, ETFs, and mutual funds.• Market value (the closing price) of publicly traded debt securities. Debt securities that are investment grade and less than 12 months from maturity may alternatively be reported at cost basis + linearly recognizing scheduled interest income.• A valuation for illiquid or privately traded assets. This should utilize a valuation from a reputable third party with relevant expertise or follow a well-defined methodology that is explained in detail in the report.• CUSIPs, date of purchase, date of maturity, coupon, cost basis, and face value of all publicly traded debt securities in the portfolio for the last day of the reporting period.• USDS inflows from the Sky Protocol during the reporting period.• Total repayments on-chain to the Sky Protocol either to a vault or for surplus. If repayments are derived from multiple sources, they should be broken out into line items for each source.• Vault debt to the Sky Protocol.• Copies of original statements for all bank, brokerage, exchange, custodial, or other accounts. The Arranger may redact the names for non-Arranger service providers if and only if that is a requirement of confidentiality agreements with the non-Arranger service providers.The Stability Facilitator must publicly confirm on the Sky Forum that they have reviewed the original account documentation and verified that it supports the Arranger’s summary.